Trip Report

Oregon Coast Fatbike Expedition

Fatbiking the coastline
Fatbiking the coastline

Today we embark on an exploratory weeklong mission with other fatbike aficionados and Travel Oregon to determine the feasibility of riding the full length of Oregon’s coastline. As we’re sure you’re aware, Oregon’s famous coast has endlessly long smooth beaches, tall headlands, and large estuaries. We’ve got a pretty good plan in the works, but there’s sure to be lots of unexpected adventures along the way! Follow along on our instagram or check back here for a full report afterwards.

The official press release:

A group off-road cycling enthusiasts will be riding most the length of Oregon Coast’s sandy beaches next week. The Oregon Coast Fatbike Expedition, led by Travel Oregon, will start in Gold Beach and end in Astoria Oregon.

The tour will only cover the permitted coastal sections that are accessible to Bicycles, which is nearly half of the total 363-mile coastline. The ride serves as a reconnaissance mission to understand the viability of an Oregon Coast beach bicycle route (off of Hwy 101), which could be supported by regional tour operations and which is already supported by some local bike shops. Furthermore, local sections that have been established can be included in the inventory of areas available for riding. FatBikes have had an explosion in popularity in recent years and make a good fit for riding on sand as well as other moderate to extreme off-road conditions, including snow. Taking inventory of potential routes for this new bicycling segment should have a positive impact on Oregon Tourism.

Several photographers, filmmakers, and writers who specialize in cycling will be coming along to document the adventure, as well as several cycling enthusiasts. Two vans will be following the group so they can be picked up when beach conditions are not safe or accessible to the cyclists. The group will camp at state parks along the way.

South Coast Bicycles dug up this old article on one Oregon resident’s brilliantly engineered fat-tired sand bike from 1996. Hope we run into to him out there!

Fat Bike Local History


Awwh yeah!
Awwh yeah!
Steep faces, breaking away as we carve down them
Steep faces, breaking away as we carve down them
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